Tag Archives: angel investor

Real Founders, Real Talk – 28 Feb at ROC from 6:30-9:00 PM

LAVA Mobile phone logoThe Los Angeles tech scene has buzz, glitzy backers and even a catchy nickname: Silicon Beach.

The Los Angeles Times, 11 Dec 11

Organizational design, process design, metrics, hiring and firing were all relatively straightforward skills to master compared to keeping my mind in check. Over the years, I’ve spoken to hundreds of CEOs all with the same experience. Nonetheless, very few people talk about it, and I have never read anything on the topic.

Ben Horowitz is a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz

Start-ups have myriad challenges for the early stage team but none feel the stress as intensely as the founders and especially the CEO.  Add that to near celebrity status that founders can attain through proximity to a hot area or cause or technology or market.  Bring the need to be always performing , in the moment, part of the show which layers weight and complexity.  Combine the challenges, the notoriety, the act and expectations and you brew a toxic cocktail that is consumed routinely by entrepreneurs working in an area like Silicon Beach, in an exploding space like mobile while maintaining a positive aura.

So we want to start a conversation about what all this means and how we deal with the need to be always on stage or in the muck.  We want to understand what is real and what is illusion.  And we want it to be interactive and participatory.

Francisco Dao of PandoDaily and Shara Senderoff of InternSushi will join Matthias Galica of BEASTMODE.FM.  We’re awaiting word from a couple of others.  And we’re inviting local entrepreneurs, founders, start-up team members and the general public for an unusual evening of candor and experiences from people dealing with the reality of hot place, hot space and cold reality.  Further details coming.   Register now at Mobile LAVA.

Mobile LAVA is the Strategic Interest Group of the Los Angeles Venture Association focused on the emergence and significance of ubiquitous computing. The SIG and Mobile LAVA events are generously sponsored by Gumiyo and Ernst & Young.