Tag Archives: mobile

Business Insider Releases Mobile Study

Smartphones vs Tablets  Slide Deck on The Future Of Mobile

Get a LYFT to tonight’s Mobile LAVA event

lyft graphicIf you get a LYFT to this evening’s event, LYFT will give you a $10 credit.  J ust download the Lyft app and enter LAVALYFT1 under settings to get $10 of free Lyft credit!!

What is Lyft?
Lyft is a mobile app that lets you request a ride from a fabulous, hand-selected community of drivers. Not only is Lyft more convenient, reliable, and affordable than a cab, we practically guarantee you’ll arrive with a smile! 
Your pink-mustached chariot awaits!

Lyft is an on-demand ridesharing service owned and operated by Zimride that is currently operating in San Francisco, CA. and has recently come to LA. Using the Lyft iPhone app, passengers can instantly request a pickup, and a safe, friendly driver will arrive within minutes. The Lyft staff carefully selects pre-vetted, trustworthy drivers from the community who swiftly get passengers to their destinations.

See you this evening!

The Real People Doing the Real Talk at ROC Thursday 28 Feb at 6:30 PM

This is an awesome time to be a founder and entrepreneur in Los Angeles. An intoxicating elixir of vibrant start-up communities; favored industries and memes for investment; incubators & accelerators; deep talent pool; undeniable positive momentum; remarkable universities; and, glitter and hype that accompanies fast growing businesses and fast liquidity events. So what is it like in a hot space, hot place and cold reality of innervating a start-up?

Mobile LAVA has invited some local, successful entrepreneurs and observers of the space to come and share their experiences, expectations, frustrations, insights and coping mechanisms. With great opportunities comes great responsibilities and the need to be always on, meeting goals, satisfying constituencies inside and outside the team, unrelenting drive, persistence, the ability to manage risks, people, perceptions and to maintain your humanity.


Matthias Galica will moderate the evening’s conversation.  Emcee at BEASTMODE.FM, curator at StartupDigest LA, village idiot, anti-socialite, secret admirer, student loaner, continental drifter, professional bootlegger, spin doctor, self-referentialist, road runner, personal journalist, cold-ass person of pallor.

And the cast for this performance:




Shara Senderoff – Co-founder of InternSushi, reps Silicon Beach hard in the 2012 Forbes “30 Under 30”, female Marty McFly.







Francisco Dao – Columnist at PandoDaily, founder of 50Kings, crotchety next-door neighbor.  (Be sure to read his recent post on “The Show”.)





GoldmanMatthew Goldman – Founder of Wallaby Financial, SMB/retail wunderkind, father, home improvement enthusiast.






Hepburn Kenneth Hepburn –  Founder of LivnGiv, sculptor-cum-accidental CEO, Founder Institute survivor, silver fox.








MacNaughtonAmanda MacNaughton – Co-founder of PromoJam, Silicon Beach’s “favorite daughter”, woman about town.

Further details coming.   Register now at Mobile LAVA.

Mobile LAVA is the Strategic Interest Group of the Los Angeles Venture Association focused on the emergence and significance of ubiquitous computing. The SIG and Mobile LAVA events are generously sponsored by Gumiyo and Ernst & Young.

Real Founders, Real Talk – 28 Feb at ROC from 6:30-9:00 PM

LAVA Mobile phone logoThe Los Angeles tech scene has buzz, glitzy backers and even a catchy nickname: Silicon Beach.

The Los Angeles Times, 11 Dec 11

Organizational design, process design, metrics, hiring and firing were all relatively straightforward skills to master compared to keeping my mind in check. Over the years, I’ve spoken to hundreds of CEOs all with the same experience. Nonetheless, very few people talk about it, and I have never read anything on the topic.

Ben Horowitz is a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz

Start-ups have myriad challenges for the early stage team but none feel the stress as intensely as the founders and especially the CEO.  Add that to near celebrity status that founders can attain through proximity to a hot area or cause or technology or market.  Bring the need to be always performing , in the moment, part of the show which layers weight and complexity.  Combine the challenges, the notoriety, the act and expectations and you brew a toxic cocktail that is consumed routinely by entrepreneurs working in an area like Silicon Beach, in an exploding space like mobile while maintaining a positive aura.

So we want to start a conversation about what all this means and how we deal with the need to be always on stage or in the muck.  We want to understand what is real and what is illusion.  And we want it to be interactive and participatory.

Francisco Dao of PandoDaily and Shara Senderoff of InternSushi will join Matthias Galica of BEASTMODE.FM.  We’re awaiting word from a couple of others.  And we’re inviting local entrepreneurs, founders, start-up team members and the general public for an unusual evening of candor and experiences from people dealing with the reality of hot place, hot space and cold reality.  Further details coming.   Register now at Mobile LAVA.

Mobile LAVA is the Strategic Interest Group of the Los Angeles Venture Association focused on the emergence and significance of ubiquitous computing. The SIG and Mobile LAVA events are generously sponsored by Gumiyo and Ernst & Young.

Mary Meeker’s Year End Update of Internet Trends

Growth is Robust.

Rethink everything.

Cloud with a chance of sharing.

Land of Opportunity.

Internet Trends 2012

BIA/Kelsey’s Booth and Boland Featured at Mobile LAVA Nov 15 Event

Matt Booth, chief strategy officer and program director, Interactive Local  Media, BIA/Kelsey, stated that he remains “very bullish on interactive spending,  and especially on new mobile monetization methods, like point-of-sale offerings,  that are showing performance improvements. In fact, we expect mobile growth to  offset some of the slowing in core search and display in the outer years of the  forecast.”  MediaPost Publications:  Local Media: Slow Rev Rise, Digital to hit Double-Digits

Matt will be joined by Michael Boland, a keen observer of Mobile Local Media and its impact on ad spend, interaction and customer behavior.   “Overall, BIA/Kelsey reports that about 0.6 percent of local ad spending is currently devoted to mobile. Though this is a U.S. figure, mobile’s share and growth rate are projected to be similar in many other developed nations. Also, as this survey reveals, mobile’s current share of revenue is slightly higher than other local media, such as newspapers, which indicates a strong position for directory publishers,” according to Mr. Boland.   Majority of Directory Publishers See Mobile as Important Revenue Stream Over Next Three Years

BIA/Kelsey advises companies in the local media space through consulting and valuation services, research, Continuous Advisory Services and conferences. Since 1983, BIA/Kelsey has been a resource to the media, mobile advertising, telecommunications, Yellow Pages and electronic directory markets, as well as to government agencies, law firms and investment companies looking to understand trends and revenue drivers.

These are among the most insightful observers of the Mobile Local Media space and they will be sharing their insights and perspectives with Mobile LAVA tomorrow evening at tiato, 6:30 PM.  Pre-registration is required at the LAVA website.  This event is free to LAVA members, all others $35 to attend.

Mobile LAVA is the Strategic Interest Group of the Los Angeles Venture Association focused on the emergence and significance of ubiquitous computing.  The SIG and Mobile LAVA events are generously sponsored by Gumiyo and Ernst & Young.


Boland and Booth bring BIA Research to Mobile LAVA, Nov 15

Well respected Mobile Local Media analyst Michael Boland will present observations and insights from BIA/Kelsey’s reports on the market, the trends and the technology at tiato, Nov 15, 6:30 PM for Mobile LAVA’s presentation: Interactive and Mobile Local Media:  Trends and Opportunities .  Michael will be joined by Matt Booth, BIA/Kelsey’s Chief Strategy Officer and Program Director, Interactive Local Media.

“Growth drivers include smartphone penetration, location data, ad targeting innovation and advertiser evolution to utilize these factors for higher-performing mobile local ad campaigns,” said Michael Boland, program director, mobile local media, BIA/Kelsey. “New mobile ad formats will also drive demand including Facebook’s quickly evolving options like sponsored stories and app install ads – currently accounting for 14 percent of Facebook’s revenues and quickly growing.”

Registration is now open:  Interactive and Mobile Local Media:  Trends and Opportunities

Mobile LAVA SIG and events are generously sponsored by Gumiyo and Ernst & Young.

Mobile Ad Volume Accelerates, Desktop Ad Revenue Dominates

  According to a Spring 2012 report, BIA/Kelsey projects ad dollars will remain higher in desktop searches than in mobile advertising while volume of ads for mobile will exceed desktop within a couple of years.

“It’s important to note that while mobile local search volume will exceed its desktop equivalent, ad dollars will remain lower,” said Michael Boland, senior analyst and program director, Mobile Local Media, BIA/Kelsey. ”This is because advertisers aren’t yet keeping pace with the growth of mobile local ad inventory, but we expect that to evolve.”

While BIA/Kelsey thinks local mobile ad search revenue will grow from $400 million in 2011 to $3.2 billion in 2016, local search revenues from desktop access is projected to be $10.2 billion in 2016.

Michael Boland is a featured presenter at the Nov 15 Mobile LAVA event:  Interactive and Mobile Local Media Opportunities and Trends.  Michael will be joined by Matt Booth, Chief Strategy Officer and Program Director, Interactive Local Media.  It should be a fascinating evening of insights and observations from two of the thought leaders on Mobile Local Media.

You can join us by registering at LAVA.org.  And let your connections know you’re going to attend by sharing a LinkedIn Event.

Mobile LAVA is a Strategic Interest Group of the Los Angeles Venture Association dedicated to exploring and explaining the rapidly evolving universe of ubiquitous computing.  Mobile LAVA is generously sponsored by Gumiyo and Ernst & Young.



Interactive and Mobile Local Media: Trends and Opportunities

The next Mobile LAVA will be our last formal program for 2012 so make your plans to attend – Nov 15, tiato, 6:30 PM. The program will feature two of the most insightful analysts of the mobile space from BIA/Kelsey – Matt Booth and Michael Boland.  If you don’t know of BIA/Kelsey – you should and here is the perfect opportunity.

BIA/Kelsey advises companies in the local media space through consulting and valuation services, research, Continuous Advisory Services and conferences. Since 1983, BIA/Kelsey has been a resource to the media, mobile advertising, telecommunications, Yellow Pages and electronic directory markets, as well as to government agencies, law firms and investment companies looking to understand trends and revenue drivers. BIA/Kelsey’s annual conferences draw executives from across industries seeking expert guidance on how companies are finding innovative ways to grow.

Michael Boland
Program Director, Mobile Local Media

Michael Boland is the program director for BIA/Kelsey’s Mobile Local Media practice. Since joining the company in 2005, Boland has been instrumental in covering the local online space for our Interactive Local Media practice. His expertise and curiosity about new mobile, social, and video technologies and business models make him a valuable resource for MLM clients.

For an example of Michael’s insights take a look at this recent posting:  Reinventing the Lightbulb: A Conversation with ByteLight.

Matt Booth
Chief Strategy Officer and Program Director, Interactive Local Media

Matt provides a leadership role for our consulting practices and conferences. Well-respected in the local media community for his expertise, Matt creates strategic initiatives that advise clients on how to be successful in the ever changing media landscape. Matt also runs our highly successful Interactive Local Media (ILM) advisory service program.

So make your reservations at our new home on Mobile LAVA.

Mobile LAVA is a Strategic Interest Group of the Los Angeles Venture Association dedicated to exploring and explaining the rapidly evolving universe of ubiquitous computing.  Mobile LAVA is generously sponsored by Gumiyo and Ernst & Young.

Stuff You Should Have Seen – last week

This will be a busier than usual week which has already started.   Thursday evening make plans to attend the joint session of Mobile LAVA and LAVA Healthcare where Jack Young of Qualcomm Ventures and Richard Koffler, Chair of LAVA Healthcare will have an audience directed conversation.  6:30 PM, Sept 27, tiato.  Register here.

On to the main course:

Number 5 is Alive! –  Associated Press

Can I borrow your S3?  I’m trying to find the Apple Store. – Wall Street Journal

Please, Sir, May I Have Another – the Register

Can you hear me now? – Fierce Wireless

Adding to the social media mix – Social Times

I can crack this in 6 characters – Ars Technica

Cure for cracks – Information Week

Quick wits – WSJ Tech Europe

Quick tix – Mobile Commerce Daily

Quick fix – Christian Science Monitor

P2TV – CIO Today

Fire Fired – Cnet

mHealth Incubator Opens in New Jersey – MarketWatch

Filling Up the Silos – GigaOM

Now maybe they can do something about the refs – Business Week

Groupon adds credit card processing – FierceWirelessContent

There’s a Hack for That – MSNBC

Picture Traders and Trackers – Search Engine Watch

Shocking – Boy Genius Reports

Your Brain on Apps – CNN

8 is Enough? – engadget

Got to run.  Enjoy the rest of the week and join us on Thursday night if you can at tiato in Santa Monica.

The Stuff You Should Have Seen – last week:  a compilation of articles, opinions, stories of interest to the mobile community presented by Mobile LAVA – a Strategic Interest Group of the Los Angeles Venture Association.  LAVA Mobile is generously sponsored by E&Y and Gumiyo.